API reference


created on January 6, 2020. Updates dec 2023; in-depth refactoring May 2023. Hardware: Licensed under CERN-OHL-S v2 or any later version Software: Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 Ohmpi.py is a program to control a low-cost and open hardware resistivity meters within the OhmPi project by Rémi CLEMENT (INRAE), Vivien DUBOIS (INRAE), Hélène GUYARD (IGE), Nicolas FORQUET (INRAE), Yannick FARGIER (IFSTTAR) Olivier KAUFMANN (UMONS), Arnaud WATLET (UMONS) and Guillaume BLANCHY (FNRS/ULiege).

class ohmpi.ohmpi.OhmPi(settings=None, sequence=None, mqtt=True, config=None)

OhmPi class.

settingsdict, optional

Dictionary of parameters. Possible parameters with some suggested values: {‘injection_duration’: 0.2, ‘nb_meas’: 1, ‘sequence_delay’: 1, ‘nb_stack’: 1, ‘sampling_interval’: 2, ‘vab_init’: 5.0, ‘vab_req’: 5.0, ‘duty_cycle’: 0.5, ‘strategy’: ‘constant’, ‘export_path’: None}

sequencestr, optional

Path of the .csv or .txt file with A, B, M and N electrodes. Electrode index starts at 1. See OhmPi.load_sequence() for full docstring.

mqttbool, optional

If True (default), publish on mqtt topics while logging, otherwise use other loggers only (print).


Gets sequence


append_and_save(filename, last_measurement)

Appends and saves the last measurement dict.

create_sequence(nelec[, params, ...])

Creates a sequence of quadrupole.Several type of sequence or sequence with different parameters can be combined together.

download_data([start_date, end_date, ftype, ...])

Create a zip of the data folder to then download it easily.

export([fnames, outputdir, ftype, ...])

Export surveys stored in the 'data/' folder into an output folder.

find_optimal_vab_for_sequence([which, n_samples])

Find optimal Vab based on sample sequence in order to run sequence with fixed Vab.

get_data([survey_names, full, cmd_id])

Get available data.


Interrupts the acquisition.

load_sequence(filename[, cmd_id])

Reads quadrupole sequence from file.

plot_last_fw([save_fig, filename])

Plots last full waveform measurement


Quits OhmPi.


Remove all data in the ´export_path´ folder on the raspberrypi.


Identical to run_multiple_sequences().


Switches off all multiplexer relays.


Restarts the Raspberry Pi.

rs_check([vab, cmd_id, couple, tx_volt])

Checks contact resistances.

run_inversion([survey_names, elec_spacing])

Run a simple 2D inversion using ResIPy (https://gitlab.com/hkex/resipy).

run_measurement([quad, nb_stack, ...])

Measures on a quadrupole and returns a dictionary with the transfer resistance.

run_multiple_sequences([sequence_delay, ...])

Runs multiple sequences in a separate thread for monitoring mode.

run_sequence([fw_in_csv, fw_in_zip, cmd_id, ...])

Runs sequence synchronously (=blocking on main thread).


Runs the sequence in a separate thread. Can be stopped by 'OhmPi.interrupt()'.

set_sequence([sequence, cmd_id])

Sets the sequence to acquire.

set_time(date[, cmd_id])

Set date of the RPI remotely.


Shutdown the Raspberry Pi.

switch_mux_off(quadrupole[, cmd_id])

Switches off multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.

switch_mux_on(quadrupole[, bypass_check, cmd_id])

Switches on multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.

test_mux([activation_time, mux_id, cmd_id])

Interactive method to test the multiplexer boards.

update_settings(settings[, cmd_id])

Updates acquisition settings from a json file or dictionary.

append_and_save(filename: str, last_measurement: dict, fw_in_csv=None, fw_in_zip=None, cmd_id=None)

Appends and saves the last measurement dict.


Filename of the .csv.


Last measurement taken in the form of a python dictionary.

fw_in_csvbool, optional

Wether to save the full-waveform data in the .csv (one line per quadrupole). As these readings have different lengths for different quadrupole, the data are padded with NaN. If None, default is read from default.json.

fw_in_zipbool, optional

Wether to save the full-waveform data in a separate .csv in long format to be zipped to spare space. If None, default is read from default.json.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

create_sequence(nelec, params=[('dpdp', 1, 8)], include_reciprocal=False, opt_ip=False, opt_param={}, opt_plot=False, fpath=None)

Creates a sequence of quadrupole.Several type of sequence or sequence with different parameters can be combined together.


Number of electrodes.

paramslist of tuple, optional

Each tuple is the form (<array_name>, param1, param2, …) Dipole spacing is specified in terms of “number of electrode spacing”. Dipole spacing is often referred to ‘a’. Number of levels is a multiplier of ‘a’, often referred to ‘n’. For multigradient array, an additional parameter ‘s’ is needed. Types of sequences available are : - (‘wenner’, a) - (‘dpdp’, a, n) - (‘schlum’, a, n) - (‘multigrad’, a, n, s) By default, if an integer is provided for a, n and s, the parameter will be considered varying from 1 to this value. For instance, for (‘wenner’, 3), the sequence will be generated for a = 1, a = 2 and a = 3. If only some levels are desired, the user can use a list instead of an int. For instance (‘wenner’, [3]) will only generate quadrupole for a = 3.

include_reciprocalbool, optional

If True, will add reciprocal quadrupoles (so MNAB) to the sequence.

opt_ipbool, optional

If True, will optimize for induced polarization measurement (i.e. will try to put as much time possible between injection and measurement at the same electrode). Optimization can take a few seconds.

opt_paramdic, optional

Dictionary of parameters to be passed to optimize_ip(). Possible values are ‘niter’ (int): number of iterations during optimization ‘nchains’ (int): number of chain to run in parallel (each chain is run niter times) ‘pad’ (int): how far from its position move the quad with the largest cost in the sequence

opt_plotbool, optional

Plot cost decay of ip optimization.

fpathstr, optional

Path where to save the sequence (including filename and extension). By default, sequence is saved in ohmpi/sequences/sequence.txt.

download_data(start_date=None, end_date=None, ftype='ohmpi', elec_spacing=1, cmd_id=None)

Create a zip of the data folder to then download it easily.

start_datestr, optional

Start date as ISO string (e.g. “2024-12-24”).

end_datestr, optional

End date as ISO string.

ftypestr, optional

Format type. Default is OhmPi normal format. Can choose between: - ohmpi (default) - bert (same as pygimli) - pygimli (same as bert) - protocol (for resipy/r2 codes)

elec_spacingfloat, optional

For some format (e.g. bert, pygimli), electrode position is required.

export(fnames=None, outputdir=None, ftype='bert', elec_spacing=1, fname_coord=None)

Export surveys stored in the ‘data/’ folder into an output folder.

fnameslist of str, optional

List of path (not filename) to survey in ohmpi format to be converted.

outputdirstr, optional

Path of the output directory where the new files are stored. If None, a directory called ‘output’ is created in OhmPi.

ftypestr, optional

Type of export. To be chosen between: - bert (same as pygimli) - pygimli (same as bert) - protocol (for resipy, R2 codes)

elec_spacingfloat, optional

Electrode spacing in meters. Same electrode spacing is assumed.

find_optimal_vab_for_sequence(which='mean', n_samples=10, **kwargs)

Find optimal Vab based on sample sequence in order to run sequence with fixed Vab. Returns Vab.


Which vab to keep, either “min”, “max”, “mean” (or other similar numpy method e.g. median) If applying strategy “full_constant” based on vab_opt, safer to chose “min”

n_samples: int

Number of samples to keep within loaded sequence.

kwargsdict, optional

kwargs passed to Ohmpi.run_sequence.

Vab_optfloat [in V]

Optimal Vab value

get_data(survey_names=None, full=False, cmd_id=None)

Get available data.

survey_nameslist of str, optional

List of filenames already available from the html interface. So their content won’t be returned again. Only files not in the list will be read.

fullbool, optional

If False, will only return the quadrupole and transfer resistance (default). If True, will return all columns.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.


Interrupts the acquisition.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

load_sequence(filename: str, cmd_id=None)

Reads quadrupole sequence from file.


Path of the .csv or .txt file with A, B, M and N electrodes. Electrode index start at 1.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.


Array of shape (number quadrupoles * 4).

plot_last_fw(save_fig=False, filename=None)

Plots last full waveform measurement

save_fig: boolean, optional - default (False)
filename: str, optional. Path to save plot. By default figures/test.png

Quits OhmPi.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.


Remove all data in the ´export_path´ folder on the raspberrypi.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.


Identical to run_multiple_sequences().


Switches off all multiplexer relays.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.


Restarts the Raspberry Pi.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

rs_check(vab=5, cmd_id=None, couple=None, tx_volt=None)

Checks contact resistances. Strategy: we just open A and B, measure the current and using vAB set or assumed (12V assumed for battery), we compute Rab.

vabfloat, optional

Voltage of the injection.

couplearray, for selecting a couple of electrode for checking resistance
cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

tx_voltfloat, optional DEPRECATED

Save as vab.

run_inversion(survey_names=None, elec_spacing=1, **kwargs)

Run a simple 2D inversion using ResIPy (https://gitlab.com/hkex/resipy).

survey_nameslist of string, optional

Filenames of the survey to be inverted (including extension).

elec_spacingfloat (optional)

Electrode spacing in meters. We assume same electrode spacing everywhere. Default is 1 m.


Additional keyword arguments passed to resipy.Project.invert(). For instance reg_mode == 0 for batch inversion, reg_mode == 2 for time-lapse inversion. See ResIPy document for more information on options available (https://hkex.gitlab.io/resipy/).

xzvlist of dict

Each dictionnary with key ‘x’ and ‘z’ for the centroid of the elements and ‘v’ for the values in resistivity of the elements.

run_measurement(quad=None, nb_stack=None, injection_duration=None, duty_cycle=None, strategy=None, tx_volt=None, vab=None, vab_init=None, vab_min=None, vab_req=None, vab_max=None, iab_min=None, iab_req=None, min_agg=None, iab_max=None, vmn_min=None, vmn_req=None, vmn_max=None, pab_min=None, pab_req=None, pab_max=None, cmd_id=None, **kwargs)

Measures on a quadrupole and returns a dictionary with the transfer resistance.

quaditerable (list of int)

Quadrupole to measure, just for labelling. Only switch_mux_on/off really create the route to the electrodes.

nb_stackint, optional

Number of stacks. A stack is considered two pulses (one positive, one negative). If 0, we will look for the best voltage.

injection_durationint, optional

Injection time in seconds.

duty_cyclefloat, optional

Duty cycle (default=0.5) of injection square wave.

strategystr, optional, default: constant

Define injection strategy (if power is adjustable, otherwise constant vab, generally 12V battery is used). Either: - vmax : compute Vab to reach a maximum Vmn_max and Iab without exceeding vab_max - vmin : compute Vab to reach at least Vmn_min - constant : apply given Vab but checks if expected readings not out-of-range - full_constant: apply given Vab with no out-of-range checks for optimising duration at the risk of out-of-range readings Safety check (i.e. short voltage pulses) performed prior to injection to ensure injection within bounds defined in vab_max, iab_max, vmn_max or vmn_min. This can adapt Vab. To bypass safety check before injection, vab should be set equal to vab_max (not recommended)

vab_initfloat, optional

Initial injection voltage [V] Default value set by settings or system specs

vab_minfloat, optional

Minimum injection voltage [V] Default value set by config or boards specs

vab_reqfloat, optional

Requested injection voltage [V] Default value set by config or boards specs

vab_maxfloat, optional

Maximum injection voltage [V] Default value set by config or boards specs

iab_minfloat, optional

Minimum current [mA] Default value set by config or boards specs

iab_reqfloat, optional

Requested iab [mA] Default value set by config or boards specs

iab_maxfloat, optional

Maximum iab allowed [mA]. Default value set by config or boards specs

pab_minfloat, optional

Minimum power [W]. Default value set by config or boards specs

pab_reqfloat, optional

Requested power [W]. Default value set by config or boards specs

pab_maxfloat, optional

Maximum power allowed [W]. Default value set by config or boards specs

vmn_min: float, optional

Minimum Vmn [mV] (used in strategy vmin). Default value set by config or boards specs

vmn_req: float, optional

Requested Vmn [mV] (used in strategy vmin). Default value set by config or boards specs

vmn_max: float, optional

Maximum Vmn [mV] (used in strategy vmin). Default value set by config or boards specs

min_aggbool, optional, default: False

when set to True, requested values are aggregated with the ‘or’ operator, when False with the ‘and’ operator

tx_voltfloat, optional # deprecated

For power adjustable only. If specified, voltage will be imposed.

vabfloat, optional

For power adjustable only. If specified, voltage will be imposed.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

run_multiple_sequences(sequence_delay=None, nb_meas=None, fw_in_csv=None, fw_in_zip=None, cmd_id=None, **kwargs)
Runs multiple sequences in a separate thread for monitoring mode.

Can be stopped by ‘OhmPi.interrupt()’. Additional arguments are passed to run_measurement().

sequence_delayint, optional

Number of seconds at which the sequence must be started from each others.

nb_measint, optional

Number of time the sequence must be repeated.

fw_in_csvbool, optional

Whether to save the full-waveform data in the .csv (one line per quadrupole). As these readings have different lengths for different quadrupole, the data are padded with NaN. If None, default is read from default.json.

fw_in_zipbool, optional

Whether to save the full-waveform data in a separate .csv in long format to be zipped to spare space. If None, default is read from default.json.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

kwargsdict, optional

See help(OhmPi.run_measurement) for more info.

run_sequence(fw_in_csv=None, fw_in_zip=None, cmd_id=None, save_strategy_fw=False, export_path=None, **kwargs)
Runs sequence synchronously (=blocking on main thread).

Additional arguments (kwargs) are passed to run_measurement().

fw_in_csvbool, optional

Whether to save the full-waveform data in the .csv (one line per quadrupole). As these readings have different lengths for different quadrupole, the data are padded with NaN. If None, default is read from default.json.

fw_in_zipbool, optional

Whether to save the full-waveform data in a separate .csv in long format to be zipped to spare space. If None, default is read from default.json.

save_strategy_fwbool, optional

Whether to save the strategy used.

export_pathstr, optional

Path where to save the results. Default taken from settings.json.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

run_sequence_async(cmd_id=None, **kwargs)
Runs the sequence in a separate thread. Can be stopped by ‘OhmPi.interrupt()’.

Additional arguments are passed to run_sequence().

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

property sequence

Gets sequence

set_sequence(sequence=None, cmd_id=None)

Sets the sequence to acquire.

sequencelist of list or array_like

Sequence of quadrupoles (list of list or array_like).

cmd_id: str, optional

Unique command identifier.

set_time(date, cmd_id=None)

Set date of the RPI remotely.


ISO datetime string such as 2024-07-23T20:00:01.345Z.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.


Shutdown the Raspberry Pi.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier

switch_mux_off(quadrupole, cmd_id=None)

Switches off multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.

quadrupolelist of 4 int

List of 4 integers representing the electrode numbers.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

switch_mux_on(quadrupole, bypass_check=False, cmd_id=None)

Switches on multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.

quadrupolelist of 4 int

List of 4 integers representing the electrode numbers.

bypass_check: bool, optional

Bypasses checks for A==M or A==N or B==M or B==N (i.e. used for rs-check).

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

test_mux(activation_time=0.2, mux_id=None, cmd_id=None)

Interactive method to test the multiplexer boards.

activation_timefloat, optional

Time in seconds during which the relays are activated.

mux_idstr, optional

ID of the mux_board to test.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

update_settings(settings: str, cmd_id=None)

Updates acquisition settings from a json file or dictionary. Parameters can be: - nb_electrodes (number of electrode used, if 4, no MUX needed) - injection_duration (in seconds) - nb_meas (total number of times the sequence will be run) - sequence_delay (delay in second between each sequence run) - nb_stack (number of stack for each quadrupole measurement) - strategy (injection strategy: constant, vmax, vmin) - duty_cycle (injection duty cycle comprised between 0.5 - 1) - export_path (path where to export the data, timestamp will be added to filename)

settingsstr, dict

Path to the .json settings file or dictionary of settings.

cmd_idstr, optional

Unique command identifier.

class ohmpi.hardware_system.OhmPiHardware(**kwargs)

OhmPiHardware class. A class to operate the system of assembled components as defined in the ohmpi/config.py file



compute_vab([vab_init, vab_min, vab_req, ...])

Estimates best Vab voltage based on different strategies.


Switches off all multiplexer relays.

switch_mux(electrodes[, roles, state])

Switches on multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.

test_mux([channel, activation_time])

Interactive method to test the multiplexer.

vab_square_wave(vab, cycle_duration[, ...])

Performs a Vab injection following a square wave and records full waveform data.











compute_vab(vab_init=5.0, vab_min=None, vab_req=None, vab_max=None, iab_min=None, iab_req=None, iab_max=None, vmn_min=None, vmn_req=None, vmn_max=None, pab_min=None, pab_req=None, pab_max=None, min_agg=False, polarities=(1, -1), pulse_duration=0.1, delay=0.0, diff_vab_lim=2.5, n_steps=4, n_sigma=2.0, filename=None, quad_id=0)

Estimates best Vab voltage based on different strategies. In “vmax” and “vmin” strategies, we iteratively increase/decrease the vab while checking vmn < vmn_max, vmn > vmn_min and iab < iab_max. We do a maximum of n_steps and when the difference between the two steps is below diff_vab_lim or we reached the maximum number of steps, we return the vab found.

pulse_durationfloat, optional

Time in seconds for the pulse used to compute optimal Vab.

vab_initfloat, optional

Voltage to apply for guessing the best voltage. 5 V applied by default. If strategy “constant” is chosen, constant voltage to applied is “vab”.

vab_maxfloat, optional

Maximum injection voltage to apply to tx (used by all strategies).

vmn_maxfloat, optional

Maximum voltage target for rx (used by vmax strategy).

vmn_minfloat, optional

Minimum voltage target for rx (used by vmin strategy).

polaritieslist of int, optional

Polarity of the AB injection used to compute optimal Vab. Default is one positive, then one negative.

p_maxfloat, optional

Maximum power that the device can support/sustain.

diff_vab_limfloat, optional

Minimal change in vab between steps for continuing the search for optimal vab. If change between two steps is below the diff_vab_lim, we have found the optimal vab.

n_stepsint, optional

Number of steps to try to find optimal vab. Each step last at least injection_duration*len(polarities) seconds.


Proposed Vab according to the given strategy.


Switches off all multiplexer relays.

switch_mux(electrodes, roles=None, state='off', **kwargs)

Switches on multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.


List of integers representing the electrode ids.

roleslist, optional

List of roles of electrodes, optional

statestr, optional

Either ‘on’ or ‘off’.

test_mux(channel=None, activation_time=1.0)

Interactive method to test the multiplexer.

channeltuple, optional

(electrode_nr, role) to test.

activation_timefloat, optional

Time in seconds during which the relays are activated.

vab_square_wave(vab, cycle_duration, sampling_rate=None, cycles=3, polarity=1, duty_cycle=1.0, append=False)

Performs a Vab injection following a square wave and records full waveform data. Calls in function Vab_pulses.

vab: float

Injection voltage [V]

cycle_duration: float

Duration of one cycle within the square wave (in seconds)

sampling_rate: float, None Default None

Sampling rate for Rx readings

cycles: integer, Default: 3

Number of cycles

polarity: 1, 0 , -1

Starting polarity

duty_cycle: float (0 to 1)

Duty cycle of injection wave

append: bool, optional

Default: False