Acquisition strategies
Different acquisition strategies are available to choose the Vab to inject. These strategies operate within the instrument specifications and their results will depend on the resistance of the ground and the contact resistances. The figure below show the space bounded by the limitations of the instruments and the environemnt in which the strategies operate.
- vmax:
Parameters: -
Description: Inject the largest Vab possible.
- vmin:
Parameters: vmn_req
Description: Inject smallest Vab that enables to measure the requested voltage at MN (vmn_req).
- safe:
Parameters: vab_req
Description: Try to inject vab_req. It will decrease this vab_req to stay within instrument limits.
- fixed:
Parameters: vab_req
Description: Inject vab_req without checking for instrument limitations. This can potentially damage the board.
- flex:
Parameters: vab_init, vab_req, vab_min, vab_max, iab_req, iab_min, iab_max, vmn_req, vmn_min, vmn_max, pab_req, pab_min, pab_max (all parameters are optional)
Description: will try to meet the requested parameter by the user.